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Omega-3 Private Label Product Options: Krill Oil, Fish Oil and Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil

Fish oil has become an everyday supplement in many households. More people are buying fish oil supplements and the market is constantly growing. Many companies have built revenue streams around this trend with private label fish oil products. Surprisingly, private label fish oil is still a great opportunity for companies that are late to the trend. But there needs to be a different approach to marketing private label fish oil.

Private Label Fish Oil Needs to Be Dictated by Consumer Trends

One trend that the market is seeing is more consumers moving away from generic private label fish oil products. Many consumers have read reports about private label fish oil products having contaminants like PCBs and mercury from consumer reports publications. As a result, they’re open to spending more for a high quality fish oil supplement rather than a cheap private label fish oil being marketed by a company they’re unfamiliar with.

To capitalize on this movement, you can work with a distributor that sources high quality ingredients and has a manufacturing process that produces a top of the line product. You can market your private label fish oil behind the source of the ingredient and manufacturing standards. This allows your private label fish oil to have a unique advantage over generic fish oil supplements.

Why More Consumers are Buying Krill Oil

Another trend that the market is seeing is the rising popularity of krill oil. Some consumers are replacing their regular fish oil with private label krill oil products. There are several reasons why. For one, consumers know that krill is wild caught. They know that if they purchase a private label krill oil product, they’re getting a product that comes directly from nature, not from a farm.

Some educated consumers are also aware of the fact that private label krill oil will have little to no mercury. Bigger fish naturally build up mercury. Krill oil is at the the bottom of the food chain and do not consumer other fish which is the main reason mercury build up occurs in big fish.

However, the biggest reason why private label krill oil is a great opportunity for supplement companies is because of the ingredient astaxanthin. It is one of the most powerful antioxidants that can be found in nature. Astaxanthin can naturally be found in private label krill oil but not in regular fish oil. The only downside to private label krill oil is that it tends to have lower levels of EPA and DHA than other fish oil products.

Private Label Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil is Another Great Option

Some consumer don’t really care about private label krill oil. They are simply looking for a fish oil derived from wild species of fish. That’s why private label wild Alaskan salmon oil is another great product choice. Private label wild Alaskan salmon oil is a great product to stand behind because most consumers highly wild caught fish products from Alaskan waters.

Marketing private label wild Alaskan salmon oil also means that you’re being transparent about where your ingredients come from. Many fish oil products don’t mention the type of fish that was used or where the fish was caught. A private label wild Alaskan salmon oil communicates to consumers that the your product doesn’t come from a factory fish farm and has not been pumped full of antibiotics, growth hormones or other chemicals.

In conclusion, all three omega-3 private label fish oil options are viable right now. It’s just a matter of how you position and brand your product. Both private label krill oil and private label wild Alaskan salmon oil are great products to add to your brand’s line. If you want to grow your company with new products, the time to capitalize on these fish oil trends is now.

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