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The Difference Between Cod Liver Oil And Fish Oil

Many people today are taking fish oil supplements in order to consume more healthy omega-3 fatty acids. You may also be familiar with cod liver oil, which is also a good source of essential fatty acids. In this article, we’ll explore the differences between fish oil and cod liver oil, look at some top fish oil supplements benefits and suggest how to find the best sea oil manufacturer.

Cod liver oil and fish oil
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Fish Oil and Cod Liver Oil

Cod liver oil comes from the liver of cod. Since cod is a species of fish, cod liver oil is actually a type of fish oil. However, most fish oil is derived from other types of fish such as salmon, tuna, herring, mackerel and anchovies. Unless a product is labelled cod liver oil, you can assume that it comes from an oily species of fish and not cod. 

Both cod liver oil and other types of fish oil have significant benefits for health. Research supports the importance of consuming the fatty acids DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) on a regular basis. Although these healthy fats are found in certain plants such as flax seeds, the most efficient way to get these nutrients is by eating fish. You’d have to consume about three servings of fish per week to get the recommended dosages of omega-3 fatty acids. For many people, taking a fish oil or cod liver oil supplement is easier.

One concern people have when eating fish is the possible presence of mercury and other toxins. With quality fish oil supplements, you can have a greater assurance of purity. Molecular distillation is an especially powerful way to remove impurities and ensure that you’re getting all the nutrition of fish without unwanted additives. 


Cod Liver Oil: A Long History as a Home Remedy

Cod liver oil has a long history as a folk medicine remedy. In particular, it was used by fishermen in Europe in areas such as Scotland and Northern Europe for a variety of ailments. In the 19th century, cod liver oil was a popular home remedy in England and America. It was commonly given to children to prevent illness. Some early uses for the oil have been substantiated by modern research. For example, it was given as a remedy for rickets, often caused by a vitamin D deficiency. Cod liver oil actually is high in Vitamin D, confirming this usage. It was also commonly given to relieve painful joints caused by gout and arthritis. Today, fish oil and cod liver oil are seriously studied for their benefits for joint health. 


Health Benefits of Cod Liver Oil

While cod liver oil has been used as a remedy for centuries, today we have solid research to support its therapeutic qualities. Here are some benefits available from the best cod liver oil manufacturer. 

  • High in vitamins and essential fatty acids. The EPA and DHA in cod liver oil is high. It also has significant levels of vitamins A and D.
  • Helps maintain bone density. As people age, bone density naturally lessens. Omega-3s can help to maintain healthy bones. 
  • Lowers inflammation. Inflammation is a major cause of many illnesses, including arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. 
  • Reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • Heart-healthy benefits —reduce plaque in arteries, increase HDL “good” cholesterol. 

These are all fish oil vitamins benefits as well as cod liver oil benefits. While they are similar in many ways, the nutritional makeup of cod liver oil is distinct. People may prefer one type of fish oil over another depending on their needs. For example, cod liver oil is a good supplement to take if you want to increase your intake of Vitamin A or D. Many fish oil supplements benefits can be found in other types of fish oil such as salmon, krill and shark liver oil. 


Which is the Best Cod Liver Oil Manufacturer?

If you’re seeking quality supplements with cod liver oil, IcelanDirect is a company you should know about. IcelanDirect is an importer and sea oil manufacturer of many quality nutritional supplements, including fish oil and cod liver oil. Many items are sourced from the cold clean waters of Iceland. IcelanDirect practices sustainable harvesting methods and is a member of GOED, The Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s, and is compliant with standards set by the World Health Organization and the Council for Responsible Nutrition.

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