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Top 5 Benefits of Human Grade Omega-3 (HGO3) Fish Oil Supplements For Pets

Fish oil supplements are beneficial for pets as well as humans. However, if you want to keep your pets healthy, it’s important that you give them the best quality pet nutrition supplements. The following are five benefits of using a pet omega 3 supplement that provides human-grade omega 3 fish oil.

Human Grade Omega 3 For Pet

1. Protects the Heart

Heart disease is a major killer of pets as well as their owners. Omega 3 fatty acids are beneficial for the heart health of your four-legged friends. One study revealed that fish oil can help regulate heart rhythm and prevent atrial fibrillation, dangerous irregularities in the heartbeat.

2. Helps With Joint Pain and Mobility

Many dogs, cats and other animals suffer from mobility problems as they age. They are susceptible to conditions such as arthritis just as humans are. A quality fish oil supplement can reduce inflammation and help prevent and manage such conditions, allowing your pet to stay comfortable and agile for a longer time.

3. Supports Healthy Skin

It’s common to see cats and dogs scratching to relieve itches. In some cases, skin issues are caused by fleas, mites and other pests. However, skin irritations are also often the result of allergies. Fish oil can reduce the production of cytokines, chemicals that contribute to inflammation and allergies.

4. Improves Cognitive Function

Studies show that dogs given DHA fatty acids were able to learn and retain skills more effectively than those not given such a supplement. Furthermore, fish oil supplements can help prevent cognitive decline with age. If you want your pet to stay alert and responsive longer, a pet omega 3 supplement is one of the best solutions.

5. Beneficial for Kidney Health

While fish oil can’t cure kidney disease, it can manage symptoms and slow down the progression of serious kidney diseases in dogs and cats. The kidneys can be damaged by protein loss in the urine. Omega 3 supplements help to reduce protein loss, protecting this vital organ.

Find the Best Pet Nutrition Supplements

When considering pet fish oil supplements, it’s important to choose high-quality products. Look at where the company harvests its fish. Fish from regions with pure waters, such as Iceland, are always preferable to those from more polluted areas. You also want to make sure that the company adheres to the standards set by organizations such as WHO, and GOED (global organization for EPA & DHA omega-3s).

Do your research and compare pet supplements. You can find reputable sellers, including private label pet food manufacturers USA that produce pure supplements that can help keep your pets healthy.

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