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Iceland Responsible Certification

Today, many fish products are imported or sourced from Iceland. It is Europe’s largest market for seafood products and the region also sources products for many American and International companies. Even though there are many regulations to preserve fish stock and practice sustainability, not all companies are responsible.

The Iceland Responsible seal is a certification that indicates to consumers that your product or company reflects the values of the organization. It proves that the company meets the FAO criteria and guidelines. The FAO is the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and helps oversee the world’s fish stock.
The FAO has specific criteria and guidelines that shows companies are practicing sustainability. They are carefully managing fish stock, avoiding fisheries that are at risk, and are taking part in growing the existing fish stock. With fish stocks depleting all over the world, it’s vital that fisheries practice sustainability to ensure that future generations have access to seafood and seafood products.

Products like fish oil becoming more popular all over the world. Many of the premium products in the market are sourced from Icelandic waters. The region is known to have very little pollution, high-quality fish, and use fishing practices that do not damage the ecosystem.

The Icelandic Responsible certification shows that your product is being sourced from fisheries that are doing their part to preserve the local area’s fish stock. It shows that your product is sustainable and that your company has made sustainability a core part of its values.
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